Friday, May 18, 2012

Go Bananas!

I was so excited to enjoy an early morning shopping trip to Giant Eagle this week. Have you ever stumbled upon the shopping carriage of discounted bananas? We bought 11 bananas for .99! The bananas were surprisingly not bruised or over-ripened. 

After I returned home I forgot that we had recently purchased a bundle at our warehouse grocer... oops! Ideas that I embarked upon with the extra bananas include:

  1. Chocolate chip, whole wheat, banana bread... yummy!
  2. Smoothie preparations. You could purchase a few ounces of these frozen bagged products of various fruits but we saved a lot of money creating our own pre-smoothie blend, or cut into smaller sizes are perfect summer treats for toddlers!

After they froze on the cookie sheets, we placed in freezer plastic baggies for storage.

What are your fruit tips for bargain buys that help your family eat healthier?